Clubs & Teams

Give your Team the Advantage.

Elementary School

Learn the basics, starting with Lego kits and working your way up through to more complex robots. Compete in First Robotics competitions and build the perfect after school team. Ages 4-18.

Secondary School

Start from scratch, and build a team worthy of more advanced challenges like VEX. A deeper dive into programming and mechanical design for 3D printing & rapid prototyping. Ages 13-18.

College & University

The ultimate robotics starter for high level teams looking to compete in  global challenges such as RoboNation. Kick start your career with this extracurricular.
Ages 18+.


Robotics clubs make fantastic opportunities for teambuilding exercises, educational challenges, and conquering new skillsets. If you are part of an existing club or organization (of any kind) and you would like to incorporate robotics workshops or competitions into your schedule, we are here to help!

No local club to join? Why not start one! Reach out to see how we can help.

Send us a message to learn more about how we can help kickstart your club or team.

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